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  • Ancient Breathing Techniques For Yoga

Ancient Breathing Techniques For Yoga

What is Pavanamuktasana? Try Abhyanga and secret breathing methods to...

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"Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared."


In Today's Email:

  • Do you use the wind-removing pose?

  • Our Gift To You: Download Your Solar Plexus Chakra Poster

  • Ancient Breathing Techniques For Yoga...

Picture of The Day

Pavanamuktasana- Wind Removing Pose

Pavan means wind, mukta means relieve or free and asana means pose. This asana is similar to many other yoga poses based on nature. It is being used to foretell the strength and power of the wind from within. It helps in removing the toxic gas present in your body. It creates space for fresh air in the body to create maximum utilization of bodily resources.

This yoga pose would improve the digestive system very well. It would do real wonders to your stomach as the excess gas is being removed from the abdomen. The intestines also function better due to the removal of the gas. You can get rid of constipation by initiating this exercise in your life. The use of legs, hands and hips strengthens the hip muscles.

It is termed to be very useful for patients who suffer from sciatica and joint pains. It releases the muscles of the lower back creating an environment of relaxation for your body. The way this asana is performed it helps in massaging the colon. Any irritation with the bowel movement is also cleared while doing the asana properly.

This exercise stimulates your liver, small and large intestine as well as the spleen. The abdominal area is very well strengthened by the performing pavanamuktasana. Your sagging body attains a level of firmness to perk you up. The abdomen, thigh, and hip area are toned while performing the asana.

Problems relating to acidity are averted. If you are facing any back problems that is also cleared. It is a good exercise for the abdominal muscles as it tones the abdominal wall making it much stronger and more useful. This wind-removing technique helps the entire body. It purifies the impure air creating a fresh supply of blood for the entire body. The level of diabetes improves so does your blood pressure.

It may look simple and easy to perform this asana but do not get fooled by it. If need be you can take help of any of your friends or your yoga instructor while doing this asana. The key element about performing this asana is the inhaling and exhaling part. You should do this at least for three to five minutes.

Our Gift To You:

Every now and then we will be giving away free digital goods to our community. In order for you to see our digital gifts, make sure that you place our emails into your primary folder. Our goal is to give away something awesome at least once a week!

Today you get our Manip Solar Plexus Chakra Poster. Everything you need to know on how to balance this chakra to achieve inner calm is here. To download them please click on the button below called “Download”.


Give yourself abhyanga. Massaging your body with warm oil hydrates your skin, promotes relaxation, and stimulates your lymphatic drainage system. Choose an oil based on your prominent dosha (sesame oil for vata; coconut or almond for pitta; safflower oil for kapha). Warm your chosen oil in your hands, then, beginning with your arms, rub toward your heart. Next, massage your legs and move up your body again. Dry-brush before your massage to help your skin absorb more of the oil.

For Advanced Yogis: Salamba Sirsasana (Supported Headstand)

Place your head against the inside of your wrists so that your weight is slightly to the front of the top of your head. As you enter the pose, you will naturally roll toward the top of your head and fi nd your balance. Look straight out into the room. Walk your legs in toward your trunk, keeping your knees bent. Kick up with one leg, push off with the other, and immediately take your feet to the wall. Keep your shoulders strongly lifted and your neck long. Keep your breath easy and natural. Turn your legs inward so that the balls of the feet touch the wall and the heels separate. Lift through the balls of your feet. When you are ready to come down, slowly lower one leg and then the other, and immediately sit back in Child’s Pose.

Breathing Techniques For Yoga - REUNITE WITH YOUR BREATH

Begin each of these energy-balancing breathing exercises from a stable, balanced, upright seat. You may want to start with several rounds of Dirga to settle the mind before trying one of the other pranayama practices. After you finish, sit quietly and observe sensations in the body.

Dirga Pranayama (Three-Part Breath)

Inhale deeply through your nose, first expanding your belly, then your rib cage and chest. Exhale through your nose, guiding your breath out from the chest first, ribs second, and belly last. (Visualize your breath pouring into and out of the torso like water in a glass. Place your hands on your belly and rib cage to give yourself a connection to the practice.) Repeat for several rounds or several minutes.

Kapalabhati (Skull Shining Breath)

Inhale and pause. Contract your abdominals as you completely exhale out of your nose, drawing your navel in and up. Completely relax your belly and allow your breath to be vacuumed back in passively. Continue for multiple rounds at your own pace and intensity. When you’re ready to end, inhale deeply through your nose. Hold your breath for a moment, then exhale and come back to your natural breath.

Anuloma Viloma (Alternate-Nostril Breathing)

Rest your left hand on your knee in Gyan Mudra and bring your right hand into Vishnu Mudra—first and middle finger folded toward your palm; thumb, ring finger, and pinkie extended. Use your thumb to block off your right nostril. Inhale through your left nostril, and pause your breath for a few moments. Then block your left nostril with your ring finger and exhale out your right nostril. Inhale through the right, pause, then block your right nostril, and exhale out your left nostril. That’s one round. With each round, allow the inhalations, exhalations, and pauses to lengthen. End with an exhalation out of your left nostril.

Wake Up with Grain-Free Cranberry Orange Breakfast Cookies

Hands-On Time: 15 minutes

Total Time: 45 minutes

The term “breakfast cookie” might sound like a devilishly delicious oxymoron, but we’re not kidding around with these good-for-you jumbo treats. They’re made with protein-rich almond flour and pecans then naturally sweetened with pure maple syrup for an easy, grab-and-go meal.


2 cups blanched almond flour

¼ cup shredded unsweetened coconut

2 tbsp coconut flour

2 tbsp hemp hearts

½ tsp each sea salt, baking soda, and

ground cinnamon

2 large eggs, lightly beaten

1/3 cup coconut oil or organic unsalted butter, softened

¼ cup pure maple syrup or raw honey

1 tsp orange zest

1 tsp pure vanilla extract

½ cup naturally sweetened or unsweetened dried cranberries or cherries

1/3 cup raw unsalted pecans, chopped


1. Heat oven to 325°. Line a large baking sheet with parchment paper.

2. In a large mixing bowl, whisk together almond flour, shredded coconut, coconut flour, hemp hearts, salt, baking soda, and cinnamon. Add eggs, oil, maple syrup, orange zest, and vanilla. With a handheld electric mixer on medium, mix until well-combined. Reduce to low speed, add cranberries and pecans, and mix until combined.

3. Drop ¼-cup portions of the mixture, 1 inch apart, onto the prepared baking sheet. Bake cookies until golden and centers are no longer doughy, about 25 minutes. Let cool on the sheet for five minutes. Transfer to a rack to cool completely. TIP: Refrigerate cookies in an airtight container for up to four days or freeze for up to three months.

NUTRITIONAL INFO (1 cookie): Calories: 365, Total Fat: 30 g, Sat. Fat: 11 g, Monounsaturated Fat: 12 g, Polyunsaturated Fat: 6 g, Carbs: 18 g, Fiber: 6 g, Sugars: 7 g, Protein: 9 g, Sodium: 224 mg, Cholesterol: 47 mg



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