Beat The Common Cold

Bring balance and harmony to your body...

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"To support mother and father, to cherish wife and children, and to be engaged in peaceful occupation — this is the greatest blessing."


In Today's Email: 

  • Beat The Common Cold: Natural Solutions For The Flu Season...

  • Positive News Of The Day...

  • Quick Yoga Flow To Boost Immunity...

Picture of The Day

Beat The Common Cold Naturally

If you have a sore throat, nasal congestion, runny nose, sneezing, and/or fever, you have probably caught a common cold, also known as nasopharyngitis.

Additionally, you may need to exercise extra caution if you are one of those people who finds it difficult to adjust to weather changes, sneezes as soon as they inhale pollen, or gets sick frequently for some other reason.

What should you do if you catch a cold? Take an over-the-counter medication? How frequently does it cure your cold? Doctors say that taking the same pill every time you catch a cold can make the virus indifferent toward you and your medication.

It's time to make a change! Let's take a look at some natural treatment options that are guaranteed to work and have no side effects.

#1 Meditate To Strengthen Your Immune System

Did you know that meditation, an ancient technique of relaxation, can help cure a cold? By now, you must be well aware that immunity and wellness are directly proportional. The stronger your immunity, the healthier you are. Have you wondered how meditation can heal you?

Consider immunity as the army that defends you against possible adversaries known as antigens. When you become unwell, meditation not only heals you like first aid would a wounded soldier but also fortifies your army (that is, increases immunity).

It will assist in reestablishing equilibrium, boosting your immunity, and promoting physical and mental healing on all of your sick days. When you are well on the other days, meditation will offer you the best soldiers to keep you safe and stop dangerous diseases from entering your body.

There is another way in which meditation heals our body during illnesses.

How do you feel when you are unwell? If you feel low on energy, it is because illness consumes your power. On the contrary, you can associate well-being with high-energy levels. Meditating at such times will help increase our life-force energy (also called prana), which in turn will boost the immune system. A stronger than before immune system helps us fight diseases like the common cold.

#2 Sound therapy, yoga, and pranayama

The body heat produced by pranayama with the Agni and Vayu mudras helps eliminate cough buildup without creating acidity.

How Is Agni Mudra Done?

Agni mudra is done by folding the ring finger to the base of the thumb and pressing it with the thumb at the medial phalange while leaving the other three fingers straight.

How Is Vayu Mudra Done?

Vayu mudra is done by letting the index finger touch the mound of the thumb and letting your thumb touch the medial phalange of your index finger while leaving the other three fingers straight. Repeat each pranayama for 3 minutes, at least 3 to 4 times a day.

Did you know that the simple act of breathing actually holds the secret to a healthy life? If we regulate the way we breathe through practices like Sudarshan Kriya and Bhastrika, we can help restore our balance at all levels, including physical and emotional. Breath is our main source of prana (vital life-force energy). When we do Sudarshan Kriya (a simple rhythmic breathing technique), our breath becomes rhythmic and toxins that cause or aggravate diseases are flushed out.

Yoga poses like Gomukhasana (cow face pose) and Bhujangasana (cobra pose) can also help you fortify your immune system. You can continue these practices even after you recover for a healthier life.

#3 Even Sound Can Heal!

Have you heard of sound therapy? Sounds created by Sanskrit chanting produce positive vibrations. Positive vibrations raise our energy levels. Listening to chants when you are battling cold gives strength to your system to fight a cold.

You might notice that if you hear these chants with your eyes closed, you slip into a state where you are at deep rest. That is the state of meditation. The chants themselves start the process of healing. You can even lie down and rest while listening to chants. Don’t worry if you fall asleep—it’s good because the increased energy level is now being diverted to healing.


New Yorkers can vote for a measure that would fund up to $4.2bn for environmental improvement projects. These projects include increasing flood resiliency, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, electrifying school buses, and creating more green and open spaces. This funding would allow the state to sell bonds to raise funds to finance several projects.

🛒 DEAL OF THE DAYChakra Workbook + Meditation Track (70% OFF)

Limited Time: This offer is only available for 24 hours.

Today's Deal: Get 70% OFF - The Ultimate Chakra Workbook + Bonus Meditation 

About: The chakras are the energy center of the body. It is a powerful instrument for transformation and connection to the authentic self. Connecting with your authentic self is the key to achieving balance and harmony in your life.

This Chakra Workbook contains information on what each major chakra governs, what imbalances could look like, and how to create balance within the chakra. There is also a short meditation, journal prompts for each chakra, and a section to take notes

Quick Yoga Flow To Boost Immunity

Yoga can boost immunity by lowering stress and strengthening the nervous system while also stimulating the lymphatic system, which removes toxins from the body. Various studies have found that practicing different yoga asanas on a daily basis helps in improving the immune system. Yoga relaxes the mind and can help with better, more regular sleep, which is critical for well-being; sleep is one of the most essential components in healing and maintaining a healthy immune system.


Stand in Tadasana (Mountain Pose) with your feet hip-width apart and parallel. Hinge at your hips and fold, allowing your head and arms to dangle, or hold opposite forearms. Slightly bend your knees if you feel tightness in your back body. Hold for 10 breaths.


Lie on your back with the soles of your feet on the floor, hip-width apart and parallel. Lift your hips, interlace your hands under your sacrum, and press your arms into the mat. Release tension in your shoulders, and allow your upper back to widen into the floor. Hold for 2–5 minutes.


From Bridge Pose, lower your hips to the mat, shifting them slightly to the right. Cross your right shin over your left thigh. Drop both knees to your left. Keep your shoulders on the floor. Hold for 8 breaths. Repeat on the other side.


Stand in Mountain Pose. Keeping your heels rooted, bend your knees as if sitting back into a chair. Lower yourself as far as possible, shifting your weight back so that you can see your toes. Extend your arms above your head, and release your shoulders down to create more space in your neck. This pose is also known as the “powerful pose,” because it’s all about standing in your power and being able to sit with what is. When we can learn to sit with discomfort on the mat, we can sit with it off the mat. So stay. Hold for 8 breaths.



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