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- Break The Depression Cycle
Break The Depression Cycle
Feeling low? Try these five ways to increase your mood...
Quote of the day...
"The key to life when things get tough is to just keep moving. Just keep moving."
In Today's Email:
Break The Depression Cycle: Five ways to break the cycle of depression…
Positive News Of The Day: Scotland made rewilding progress…
Food For The Soul: Kapha Balancing Tea…
Break The Depression Cycle
We all experience lows from time to time, which usually pass quickly and allow us to resume our regular activities. However, for some a low mood can last a long time, leaving you feeling like you're stuck under a dark cloud, hopeless and isolated. It may have started gradually and over time depression causes you to lose interest in things you used to find enjoyable and it's a struggle to carry out day-to-day activities.
Five ways to break the Cycle of Depression?
1. Challenge Negative Thoughts
Acknowledge and combat any unfavorable ideas that are plaguing you. Pay attention to what you're telling yourself. If you're telling yourself 'I always get that wrong', tell yourself 'it may be wrong this time, but I did it correctly last time'. Reverse the polarity and concentrate your mental attention on your strengths rather than your weaknesses.
2. Practice Gratitude
Neuroscientists often describe the brain being like a muscle, so when we practice kindness, gratitude and compassion regularly, we can make these regions of the brain stronger, a phenomenon known as neuroplasticity. It implies that we can sustain a constructive pattern of positive thinking and concentrate on the good aspects of life with greater ease. Thinking back on our accomplishments and the good things in our lives helps us create enduring behavioral habits that raise serotonin levels.
3. Visualise Change
Find solutions and harness the power of expectation. If you had a more optimistic outlook on life, how would your life be tomorrow? What actions would you take differently? What details about you would your friends and coworkers notice? By setting a favorable expectation for yourself and seeing it come to pass, you'll increase the probability of success. What small action could you take tomorrow to demonstrate that you were in a happier mood?
4. Laugh!
We may all utilize laughter as a strong technique to feel happier and more optimistic. A good laugh gives us a tiny workout; it increases blood flow and forces the lungs to work harder, which lifts our spirits and gives us a feel-good feeling. Even smiling is beneficial to you! Smiling requires a specific muscular contraction that relaxes the neurological system. Try recalling at least five funny events in your life and relive them as you do.
5. Movement & Exercise
Our muscles and neurons' healing processes are accelerated by exercise. It means our body and minds are stronger and more resilient, better able to handle future challenges, to think on our feet and adapt more easily. For some, this can be as easy as riding a bike, gardening, or even walking to the neighborhood store. You need to move more to keep your mind clear the more stress you experience.
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About: Depression is a common medical illness that negatively affects how you think, the way you feel, and how you behave. It is more than just feeling down, it is a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest in previously rewarding or enjoyable activities. Depression is a leading cause of disability around the world as it can lead to a variety of emotional and physical problems, such as disturbed sleep, concentration, and appetite.
The effects of depression can be long-lasting, can come and go and if left untreated can affect a person’s ability to live a rewarding life.
This workbook will help individuals work through their depression. Includes self-esteem-building therapy sheets to help relieve anxiety and develop a growth mindset. Using a multitude of therapeutic approaches such as CBT, DBT coping skills, gratitude, and mindfulness, these worksheets are perfect for anyone struggling with depression.
Scotland made rewilding progress
It’s one of the world’s most nature-depleted countries, but not for much longer perhaps. New figures show that 2.1% of Scotland is rewilding, with green-fingered community groups, farmers and landowners helping turn the tide.
The figures were published by the Scottish Rewilding Alliance to coincide with the launch of its Rewilding Nation Charter, which calls on the Scottish government to commit to restoring nature across 30% of land and sea.
“Climate breakdown and nature loss mean we face an unprecedented threat to our way of life,” said Steve Micklewright, convenor of the Scottish Rewilding Alliance. “But it’s not too late. Scotland can lead the way as a rewilding nation to benefit nature, climate and people.”
Ayurveda Recipes: Kapha Balancing Tea
Dill brings heat to the surface of the skin improving Kapha circulation and lymphatic cleansing. Together dill and cedar are favorite herbs for the Kapha cleansing sauna - why not in teas?
Cinnamon strengthens digestion of sugars and ginger improves appetite. Optional add turmeric for thinning the blood and cumin for a slight diuretic action.
1/4 tsp CINNAMON
1/4 tsp DILL
1/4 inch GINGER (FRESH)
Steep 3-5 minutes in 1c hot water.