Heart Chakra Balancing

A mini guide on the Anahata...

Quote of the day:

“The body is the vehicle, consciousness the driver. Yoga is the path, and the chakras are the map.”

Anodea Judith

In Today's Email:

  • Heart Chakra Balancing: A mini guide...

  • Christmas Gift From Karma Gaia

  • Yogi Of The Week: And the winner is...

Picture of The Day

Heart Chakra Balancing

What strikes you the most?

How do you feel?

Terrified, frightened, hateful, alarmed, appalled, and unfriendly

Loving, loved, kind, gentle, warm, committed, awestruck, or awestruck

Or combining the two

All of them are associated with your heart chakra or the Anahata chakra as it is known in Sanskrit. A blocked (and hurting) Anahata chakra can cause feelings of unlove, unloving, fear, or even heartbreak. Let's spend some time with your fourth chakra to help you feel better and learn how life can have a huge impact on it.

Heart chakra at a glance

Name in Sanskrit: Anahata meaning unstruck sound, it can also translate as "pure" or "unhurt"

Element: Air

Location: The heart space

Qualities: Love, hate, fear

The energy rises from the navel region to the heart region and takes three forms: fear, love, and hatred. People experience their emotions in their hearts, whether they are ones of hatred, fear, or love. The breaking of someone's heart signifies that love has soured and turned into hatred.

There is no fear when there is love. Love cannot exist when there is fear. Only one of the three emotions ever occupies the foreground at any given time, with the other two remaining in the background.

Signs your fourth is blocked

  • You may tend isolate yourself excessively

  • You feel lonely

  • You hold grudges against people you love

  • You frequently feel jealous

  • You’re overly defensive

  • You have a fear of intimacy

  • You put yourself in the role of the rescuer or victim

  • You find it difficult to trust others

How to balance the heart chakra

Though the heart chakra can become blocked, it can be brought back to balance through some of these simple tips.

  • Feel gratitude. Keep a gratitude journal, writing down three things a day that you feel grateful for.

  • Practice backbends of any sort. Start with the simple and subtle, such as Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose). Then try more intense Urdhva Mukha Svanasana (Upward-Facing Dog Pose) and Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (Bridge Pose), and Matsyasana (Fish Pose). When you’re warmed up, perhaps you take yourself into Karatkatasana (Wild Thing) and Dhanurasana (Bow Pose) and Ustrasana (Camel Pose).

  • Use rose quartz and other heart-opening crystals.

  • Drink heart opening beverages like rose tea and cacao

  • Practice heart-opening affirmations.

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The Belgian government will impose taxes on short-haul flights, inefficient planes, and private jets in an effort to cut emissions, according to Reuters news agency this week.

The taxes, which will be based on air pollution, noise pollution, and CO2 created by planes, are anticipated to be imposed in April of next year. Additionally, taxes on flights under 500 kilometers will rise.

The announcement by Belgium comes after France decided to forbid domestic flights when a train alternative that takes less than 2.5 hours is available.

According to a recent study, 1% of the population is responsible for producing more than half of the world's aviation emissions.

Yogi Of The Week

The Winner: This week’s winner is Zuzana. Here is what she wrote to us. Thank you for your support and kind words Zuzana. We really do appreciate it.

If you are reading this Zuzana, then we most likely already sent you an email. If you can’t find it please reply to this email.

If you don’t know: In order to reward our wonderful community, we started doing a weekly giveaway every Wednesday to our most engaged readers.

And when we say reward… we really mean it!

We will be sending out one free crystal pyramid and one free chakra bracelet, every Wednesday to one lucky winner (no matter where you are located in the world).

How You Can Win: 

1. The more you read our newsletters the higher chance you have of winning. Make sure you save our newsletter in your primary inbox to read every issue we release.

2. Send us comments and feedback and you instantly get on our rewards list.

3. Generally the more you engage with us the higher chance you have of winning.

Thank you to all for your support and now it’s time to get rewarded!

🎅 Christmas Gifts From Karma Gaia

Only a few days till Christmas and our team wanted to make it special for all our readers. That's why we spent the last few weeks thinking, creating, and designing some of the best digital gifts that we can offer to our community. We hope you enjoy them and thank you for your support. Merry Christmas!

🛒 DEAL OF THE DAY Crystal Workbook 70% OFF (For 24 Hours)

Limited Time: The deal expires in 34 hours.

Today's Deal: Get 70% OFF - The Crystal Workbook

About: Do you love crystals but wish you knew more about them? Well, with The Ultimate Crystal Workbook you will learn all about crystal energy, the healing properties of different crystals as well as how to use and care for them!

With 34 different pages to choose from you can print this planner as is or simply print individual pages. Makes a great addition to any Grimoire or the more personal Book of Shadows.



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