Improve Mindfulness

Simple things you can do daily to become more mindful...



Quote of the day...

"Be so happy that, when other people look at you, they become happy too."


In Today's Email:

  • Improve Mindfulness: 5 daily tips…

  • Positive News Of The Day: Ecuador returned land to an Indigenous tribe…

  • Food For The Soul: Mung Dal Kitchari…


Improve Mindfulness

1. One of the simplest methods is to walk with no destination in mind.

This might be carried out in your neighborhood, at the mall, or even on a trip to the grocery. Give up on the idea of having an agenda or a schedule and just let yourself go where your mood leads you. Surrender yourself to the flow.

2. Eat your food and consume your drink as if they were your last.

It's possible that dinner was just a cheap frozen meal, but how would you handle the possibility that it was your last? Would you take it more slowly and enjoy it more? How might this affect your appreciation of the food you eat?

Another way of eating involves not taking a single bite or drink until you have silently thanked each and every individual responsible, from the farmer who cultivated the tealeaf, to the trucker who shipped it, to the grocer who placed it on the shelf.

You start to appreciate even the smallest things more when you consider all the hands that work to provide you that opportunity.

3. Next time you’re stopped at a red light, take the time to breathe deeply, filling your lungs and emptying them completely.

Count how many of these you can do during a stoplight. Take note of your surroundings and your breathing while you gaze around. How are other people spending their time? What are their stories?

The ease with which you come to accept a green light that has just turned red will amaze you. You won't be angry at being stopped anymore, and you might even start looking forward to your next chance to pause and think.

4. Next time your phone rings, resist the urge to answer.

Allow it to ring a few times while you gather your thoughts and are ready to respond. Consider the caller. How do they appear? What kind of mood do they have? Even if this is an employee in Sri Lanka calling to collect a debt, what is life like for that person? How many irate people have they talked to before you?

5. Finally, before bed, take fifteen minutes to sit in silent darkness.

Take note of everything you experience, from the sound of a fan to the sensation of your backside against whatever you are sitting on. Take a slow, deep breath and give yourself permission to relax and just be. After doing this, you'll be astounded at how well you sleep!

The goal of each of these trainings is to develop the skill of purposefully focusing on the current events as they happen and accepting them without passing judgment.

Being attentively present while surrounded by the people we love is a miracle, but it is also something we can all experience on a daily basis.


Limited Time: This offer expires in 40 hours.

Today's Deal: Get 90% Off - The Ultimate Sound Healing Bundle

About: Sound Healing is a powerful therapy that combines different healing sounds, music, and sound healing instruments to improve our multidimensional well-being by creating a beautiful experience where all layers of our luminous energy field (body, mind, soul, spirit) are awakened gently and lovingly.

For many thousands of years, ancient sages, masters and enlightened communities have known about and understood the significance and importance of sound as a sacred instrument of immense power and potential, not only for healing but also for spiritual development.

Ancient civilisations revered sound so deeply that they believed it called the universe into creation.

Sound Healing is used to alleviate symptoms caused by many conditions, including anxiety, PTSD, dementia, cancer, behavioural and psychiatric disorders, and much more.

It also helps lower stress, blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and the risk of heart conditions such as artery disease and stroke, whilst improving sleep quality and overall well being.

We have combined 10 of our most powerful sound healing tracks to help support your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being, leaving you feeling balanced and refreshed.

Hearing So Clear It Has No Peers

Have you heard the good news?

A team of top German engineers has just unveiled the world’s very first hearing aids with dual processing, and the results are clear... Literally.

Why is this so special? Thanks to this cutting-edge German technology, these tiny devices capture speech and noise separately, resulting in groundbreaking levels of noise reduction and speech clarity. is so confident you’ll love their product, all devices come with a 45-day no-risk trial. They’ve already got 385,000 happy customers — and counting — and their award-winning customer service will help with anything you need.

Get your nearly invisible, medical-grade Horizon hearing aids right here.



Ecuador returned land to an Indigenous tribe

Eight decades after they were expelled from their ancestral land in the Amazon, the Indigenous Siekopai people will now be able to return.

It follows a landmark court ruling in Ecuador, which ordered the government to return 42,360 hectares of jungle near the Peruvian border to the tribe.

The Siekopai people lived there for centuries, until they were expelled in 1941 due to the war between Ecuador and Peru.

The judicial decision is “historic,” said Justino Pianguaje, the head of the Siekopai Nation, in an interview with the Spanish newspaper El País. For the first time, he said, Ecuador has recognized an Indigenous population’s right to “possess a territory that has been declared a protected area.”

Research suggests that putting Indigenous people in control of land is one of the most effective solutions to deforestation.

Ayurveda Recipes: Mung Dal Kitchari

If your belly feels sluggish after too many treats, Kitchari is an easy way to cleanse your digestion and restore freshness. Kitchari offers a true delight to both your body and senses. It is a heart warming synergy of mung beans, basmati rice, and digestive spices that is easy to prepare. This time tested formula, centuries old, is a complete protein, rich in fiber, cleansing to the digestive tract, and will act to bulk up stool for easier elimination.



4 leaves BAY LEAF

1/4 tsp CARDAMOM

1/2 tsp CINNAMON

1/4 tsp CLOVES

1 tsp CUMIN

2 tbsp GHEE






1. Use split mung bean if possible. Soak the mung beans for several hours before cooking and drain. Add 6c water and bring to a boil, scooping off any foam that forms on the top. Then, strain out the liquid, and add another 4c of fresh water to the mung dal.

2. When the mung beans are dissolved into the broth (1-3hrs depending upon desired textured), grind the ginger, cinnamon, cardamom and cumin. Make a thick paste by adding a bit of water. Let sit for five minutes, then saute in the ghee until the spices become aromatic but before they brown. De-glaze the frying pan with a 1/4c of water to soak all the remaining flavor of the spices and add to the mung soup.

3. Add rice and any remaining ingredients to broth. Stir. Cover and cook on low heat for 20-25 minutes or until grains are tender.