Look Younger Now

Poses for all day energy and natural ways to look better...

Quote of the day...

"More smiling, less worrying. More compassion, less judgment. More blessed, less stressed. More love, less hate.” 

In Today's Email:

  • Practice Vedic Meditation: What is it and how it works...

  • Pose Of The Day...

  • Natural Ways To Look Younger: The ayurvedic approach to naturally looking younger...

Picture of The Day


Sandhi is the Sanskrit word for the space where two different things meet and transition from one to the next, such as the ocean meeting the shore or summer changing to fall. Kala sandhi relates to transitions pertaining to time (kala), like segments of the day or various stages of life. Kriya sandhi is the meeting point between two completed activities (kriya), such as moving from sleep to waking up or sitting to standing.

Honoring and witnessing transitions is an ancient Vedic practice, and it provides a strong baseline to return to when the waves of life begin to churn. At times of sandhi (for example, in the morning, just as you awaken), observe the senses: touch, sound, emotion, fragrance, and light.

Come back to your heart—that is your being, your prana. Free your mind from limiting thoughts. Your mind is yourself, the atman. For a few minutes, think nothing, feel nothing, want nothing. Simply be aware of your true Self and dwell in atma tattva avalokanam (awareness of atman, the Self). Maintain this flowing observation as long as you can comfortably keep silence, stillness, and a sense of void in the heart of the heart. Such moments of sandhi are an opportunity to recalibrate your day to the peace inside your heart.


When you come to practice with a lot on your mind, it can be difficult to tune everything out and focus on your breath. You might feel uncomfortable, impatient, or sleepy. Or you may have profound experiences the first few times you sit, only to struggle to duplicate them in future sessions. Relax. Meditation shouldn’t cause you to feel unreasonably stressed or physically uncomfortable. If it does, reduce the length of your practice time, change your position, or try a new technique. But keep practicing


Drink hot water with cinnamon. Warm liquids increase blood circulation in your gastrointestinal system, stimulating your Agni (digestive fire). Cinnamon is a warming spice that can help promote equilibrium. Use high-quality, natural Ceylon cinnamon from a brand you trust. (Be sure to buy Ceylon cinnamon—the Cassia variety is less sweet and contains coumarin, a compound that can be harmful in high doses.)


Dolphin Pose This inversion refines your balance, strengthens your core, and deepens your body awareness. Step By Step:

A. Begin in the Tabletop with your wrists under your shoulders and your knees directly below your hips.

B. Lower your forearms onto the mat and place your elbows where your hands were, slightly narrower than shoulder-width apart.

C. Keeping your forearms parallel to each other and elbows hugged toward your midline, firmly plant your wrists and elbows.

D. Keep your feet hip-width apart and parallel.

E. Tuck your toes under and lift your hips up high to create an inverted V-shape with your body.

F. Draw your front ribs in to help you engage your core.

G. Open your shoulder blades away from each other; lengthen and flatten your back.

H. Let your head hang freely. Gaze toward your feet.

I. Keep lifting your hips to maintain length in your spine and avoid arching your back.

J. Hold for anywhere from 5 breaths to 1 minute. Release by placing your knees down on the mat.

Sequence for All Day Energy

By combining stretches, core activation, and deep breathing, this sequence will release tension so you start your day feeling refreshed.

AS YOU PRACTICE Allow yourself to pause and explore these heart- and hip-opening stretches as you build up to the peak pose, an exciting variation of Ardha Chandrasana (Half Moon Pose). This will help connect you to your core and root you down so you can expand outward with stability and strength. Meanwhile, breathe deeply throughout the sequence to further awaken your sense of vitality and inner purpose.

1. Tri Pada Adho Mukha Svanasana (ThreeLegged Downward-Facing Dog Pose) Begin with hands shoulder-width apart and feet hip-width apart. Actively reach your heels down as you lift your sitting bones up and elongate the spine. On a deep inhale, lift your right leg. Keep your shoulders squared.

2. Anjaneyasana (Low Lunge) Step your right foot forward and place your back knee down behind your hips. Place your hands onto your front knee, and sink your hips, drawing your belly away from your front thigh and pressing your shoulders back. Gently rock forward and back.

3. Ardha Ustrasana (Half Camel Pose) Turn to your left, pivoting your back shin. Place your left hand alongside your sacrum and your right hand on your front knee. Engage your core to lift your sternum, and elongate the inseam of your right leg.

4. Ardha Hanumanasana (Half Monkey God Pose) Turn toward your front leg, and straighten it. Lengthen your spine over your leg, with your fingertips on the floor. Bend your elbows (not your neck), and hinge from the hips to fold deeper. Keep your hips square.

5. Cat-Cow Pose Bring your right knee back in line with the left, coming to all fours. Inhale and lift your sternum, sitting bones, and chin. Exhale and tuck your chin, round your spine, and tuck your sitting bones. Breathe, and explore your fullest range of motion.

6. Tabletop, variation Extend your right arm forward and your left leg back. Keep your hips square to the mat by dialing your outer left hip down and your inner left thigh up. Engage your core, and elongate from fingertips to the sole of your foot. Hug your muscles toward the midline.

Natural Ways to Look Younger:

Each year, Americans spend billions of dollars on beauty products to prevent their skin from aging. Yet keeping your skin youthful takes much more than applying a moisturizer. Knowing your skin type, eating the right diet, and daily cleansing is essential for fresh and young-looking skin.

Ayurvedic anti-aging treatments

Ayurveda offers exceptional anti-aging treatments that rejuvenate and retain the youthfulness of all skin types.

According to Ayurveda, there are three gunas present in us: vata (air element), pitta (fire element) and kapha (ether element). An effective Ayurvedic anti-aging solution supports all these three areas.

An imbalance in the three gunas can create skin problems:

* A kapha imbalance affects the moisture balance.

* Effective metabolic functioning balances the various chemical and hormonal reactions of the skin. A pitta imbalance affects this balance.

* A vata imbalance creates an inefficient circulation of blood and nutrients to the different layers of the skin.

Some of the ayurvedic skin care therapies are:

-Darvi lepam or turmeric body wrap: Want radiant skin? This body wrap is the perfect therapy. A therapeutic body wrap exclusively developed with a combination of haridra khanda and exotic herbs. It acts as a natural purifying agent that makes your skin smooth and nourishes the entire body.

-Haritakalepam or chlorophyll body wrap: This wrap rejuvenates the skin. A therapeutic wrap of moringa oleifera leaves from the 'miracle tree' and freshly ground with pavitra sukhoshan jal into an aromatic paste. With a rich array of vitamins, proteins, and minerals, this lepam effectively provides powerful antioxidants to the skin cells along with moisturizing, nourishing and cleansing the skin.

-Kaya lepam: Want to get rid of the wrinkles? Here is the answer, an exotic therapeutic wrapping procedure for skin tightening with a unique combination of rice extract, herbal powders, coconut and almond milk. The wrap eliminates dead cells, improves the complexion and tightens the skin.

-Honey and sesame body wrap: An anytime solution for healthy glowing skin. A gentle, natural body wrap with indigenous honey and sesame, it exfoliates and removes dull skin cells.

-Neem body wrap: Get that tan off in a chilled way. A cooling puree of neem leaves is infused with soothing eucalyptus oil, to relieve pain and exfoliate damage caused by overexposure to the sun, leaving the skin smooth and radiant.

-Fruit body wrap: A fruit fan? Experience the detoxifying and hydrating body wrap with a melange of fresh organic fruit pulps, cleansers, and oils that tone and condition the skin. This body wrap will make your skin tight and healthy with a youthful glow and silky soft feel.

-Vegetable body wrap: A detoxifying body wrap using antioxidant-rich vegetable pulps with a blend of vegetable extracts to tone and tighten the skin. A combination of these ingredients gives you a youthful glow.

-Sandalwood body wrap: Want baby soft skin? A body wrap with freshly ground sandalwood paste, which is an antibiotic element. It cleans the skin clearing the freckles, leaving the skin moisturized with a radiant glow.



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