Maintain High Vibrations

How to maintain high vibrations in negative times...

Quote of the day...

“Did I offer peace today? Did I bring a smile to someone's face? Did I say words of healing? Did I let go of my anger and resentment? Did I forgive? Did I love? These are the real questions. I must trust that the little bit of love that I sow now will bear many fruits, here in this world and the life to come.

Henri Nouwen

In Today's Email:

  • How To Maintain High Vibrations…

  • Weekly Astrology...

  • Sound Healing: Raise Your Vibrations…


How To Maintain High Vibrations

Why Is Maintaining High Vibrations Important?

In this great symphony of the universe, everything has its own frequency of vibration – from the smallest atom to the biggest galaxy. These vibrations combine to form the world that we live in today. This is where the adage "like attracts like" comes into play: we attract the same energy that we put forth. Our resonance frequencies are what draw people, circumstances, and events into our lives.

This symphony is mostly composed of two kinds of energy: low vibrational energy and high vibrational energy. Love, joy, and compassion are higher vibrating energies that facilitate our connection to our true selves and a higher power. Lower vibrational energies (fear, anger, or negativity) disturb our inner peace and make us feel heavy or detached, which slows our progress on the spiritual path. Conversely, when we are filled with these emotions, we feel inspired or supported by everything around us, which leads to spiritual growth.

How to have high vibrations:

1. Be Mindful of Your Inner State: The first step in maintaining high spiritual vibrations is being mindful of your inner state. This suggests having awareness of one's emotions, ideas, and reactions. It becomes easier for you to recognize that you are being affected by someone else's low vibrations when you are aware of what is going on inside of you. Take a little break during the day to look for yourself. The question "how do I feel at this particular moment?" is one you can pose to yourself. By keeping your feet firmly planted, this easy technique will allow you to navigate interactions without being drawn into lesser energies.

2. Set Boundaries and Detach: Setting healthy boundaries is crucial when dealing with people who have low vibrations. It's acceptable to minimize your interactions with people who deplete you or bring negativity into your life in order to preserve your energy. Being detached is not the same as ceasing to care; rather, it is the opposite of let their energy control your own. Learn how to say no when necessary, and tell yourself that it's acceptable to stand back for your own wellbeing. In this manner, you can continue to vibrate at a greater level without experiencing guilt or overwhelm.

3. Take Care of Yourself: Taking care of yourself is essential to keeping your vibrations high. Engage in energy-replenishing activities such as hiking, meditation, or creative endeavors. It might also be beneficial to eat healthful meals, get enough sleep, and surround oneself with positive people. Think of self-nourishment as filling your cup—you can’t pour from an empty one. Your resilience against lesser vibrations will increase with the amount of emphasis you place on your well-being.

4. Hold Yourself Accountable: While it’s important to recognize the influence of others, it’s equally vital to hold yourself accountable for your own energy. Accept accountability for the ideas, emotions, and behaviors you select. If you notice that you are becoming more negative, accept it without passing judgment and take action to raise your vibration again. This could be looking at things from a different angle, being grateful, or doing something constructive. You give yourself the ability to continue being in tune with the energy you want to live out by holding yourself accountable.

Reiki Handouts Bundle

Limited Time: This deal expires in 60 hours.

Today's Deal: Get 80% Off- The Ultimate Reiki Handouts Bundle

About: These printable Reiki Handouts include 93 pages of worksheets, how-to manuals, and reiki course training handouts. These documents can be used for reiki training or energy healing teaching, as a reference, or to be handed out to clients. It can be printed as many times as needed and shared with students.

You get 93 total worksheets, including:

- Class materials for Reiki I, II and III
- Reiki certification guide
- History and description of Reiki
- Reiki principles and 3 pillars of Reiki
- Basic anatomy printables
- The Auric Field - what it is and how to strengthen it
- Chakra Guides for healing
- Aura layers, colors, and interpretations
- Aura imbalances and harmful energies
- The Clair senses and intuitive abilities
- Intentions for performing Reiki
- Benefits of Reiki
And so much more…


August 18: Mercury Square Uranus & Mercury Cazimi

August 19: T-Square; Full Moon in Aquarius; Moon Enters Pisces

August 22: Sun Enters Virgo; Moon Enters Aries

August 24: Moon Enters Taurus

The planets bring about various changes for each of us as they move and dance in our universe. There is a lot going on this coming week, with the full Moon in Aquarius, Mercury in retrograde, the start of Virgo season, and other planetary transits igniting our inner potential. A chance to encounter a new way of being with and responding to people, ourselves, and life is extended. Your weekly horoscope might assist you in determining when to act and when to let things unfold as you go through these moves.


New study a ‘blueprint’ for effective reforestation

Reforestation projects rooted in the needs of communities are more successful overall than those with a single goal, a new study has found.

While that might seem obvious, many such projects – particularly those in developing nations – often have a single focus, for example capturing carbon or protecting species. This, the study found, makes them less effective over a wider area and leads to more compromises.

“Forest restoration policies that integrate multiple environmental and societal outcomes can potentially deliver most of the possible benefits for a given area restored, resulting in the least trade-offs,” the study concluded.

The research chimes with other studies showing that the best way to preserve forests is to give indigenous people control of them.


Raise Your Vibrations Frequency Healing