Mudras For Mental Health

Use mudras to balance your body, relax your mind...

Quote of the day:

“The truth is that stress doesn’t come from your boss, your kids, your spouse, traffic jams, health challenges, or other circumstances. It comes from your thoughts about your circumstances.”

Andrew Bernstein

In Today's Email:

  • Mudras For Mental Health…

  • Crystal Of The Day: See below…

  • Thought of the day: Discover below...


Mudras For Mental Health

Mudras are ancient gestures used in yoga that are said to alter the flow of energy in your body.

You can release trapped energy and let it to flow more freely via your nadis (energy channels) by consciously channeling your energy.

You are also creating contact with the various nerve endings throughout your hands whenever you use a mudra, which undoubtedly impacts the way energy moves throughout your body on a measurable scientific level.

When you use mudras to balance your body, relax your mind, and facilitate energy flow, you can have a great impact on your general mental health whether you use them during the day or when practicing meditation.

Three particular mudras have been chosen that can be used to promote mental clarity and health: Apan Vayu Mudra, Gyan Mudra, Prana Mudra

1. Apan Vayu Mudra

To form this mudra, press the pad of your index finger to the base of your thumb. The pads of your middle and ring finger come to join the tip of your thumb while your pinky extends outward.

This mudra is believed to regulate your hormones and has been said to work very well for people who experience anxiety, impulsivity, and hyper-vigilance.

It is known to be a very powerful mudra in India and has been historically believed to prevent and treat cardiac problems like heart attacks. It is advised to practice this mudra for 30 to 45 minutes per day when used for this purpose.

The risk for cardiac disease is higher for people who experience severe anxiety as it tends to increase the heart rate and create stress on the heart, which makes this mudra a great one to practice to support overall health and foster the mind-body connection.

2. Gyan Mudra

This mudra is formed by touching the pads of the thumb and index finger, and relaxing the remaining fingers outward. It is the mudra you see most often when meditation is depicted or imitated in the media.

It has been said to facilitate mental alertness, memory, enhance mood, and connect you to Source and your Higher Self.

It is also said to eradicate the dull stagnant energy from the body. Some people report a strong sensation of energy buzzing and moving on the pads of the thumb and index finger, and this could be related to an energetic elimination of stuck energy.

3. Prana Mudra

To form this mudra, extend your index and middle finger outward, while touching the pads of your ring and pinky fingers to your thumb pad.

It is believed to improve your eye health and assist with combating fatigue by stimulating the dormant energy or prana within your body. It is called the prana mudra for this reason.

This mudra could be helpful for someone, who is experiencing hormonal imbalances that cause lethargy or symptoms of depression, to create more energy and liveliness.

Mudras: Energy Healing Bundle

Limited Time: The deal expires in 60 hours.

Today's Deal: Get 90% OFF - Ultimate Mudras Bundle

About: The use of Mudras, or "yoga of the hands", has been recognized for centuries as a simple yet effective healing tool, known to prevent and cure illnesses and bring about spiritual regeneration. This bundle examines Mudras, and teaches how regular practice can rejuvenate your body and mind and transform your everyday life.

Covering all you need to know about performing Mudras, this insightful and informative bundle will enable you to gain an understanding of a form of yoga that has already helped thousands of people. Clear illustrations explain exactly how to use Mudras, and chapters explore everything from the use of Mudras in dance and martial arts to diet and the practice of visualization. Further sections look at how combining Mudras with crystals and chakras can improve your wellbeing. They take minutes to perform and can be done almost anywhere at any time, yet the effects are hugely beneficial.

This bundle is a must for anyone who wants to unlock their spirituality and change their daily lives. Mudras are believed to be the key to spiritual and mental well-being, and will radically enhance every aspect of your existence.

These mysterious healing gestures can calm the stress, aggravations, and frustrations of everyday life.



White-tailed eagles nesting and breeding in Belgium has been observed for the first time since Florentine explorer Giovanni da Verrazzano became the first European to look upon the island of Manhattan.

That means 500 years ago, and while they are not an endangered bird, it’s a sign of a brilliant comeback from a bird that had been heavily depopulated across most of Western Europe.


When your head hits the pillow tonight, remind yourself that you’ve done a great job. Be patient with yourself, and remember that big things are achieved not all at once, but one day at a time.