Unlock Your Inner Power

A Guide on Improving Self-Confidence and Self-Esteem...

Quote of the day...

“The more we give away, the more is given to us.”

Wayne W Dyer

In Today’s Email:

  • Unlock Your Inner Power: A mini guide on confidence & self-worth…

  • Did you know? Breathe to reduce blood pressure…

  • Yogapedia: Today’s pose of the day...


Unlock Your Inner Power

Self-worth and confidence are important components that have a big impact on our lives. Our emotional state and our capacity to overcome obstacles in life can be significantly impacted by the way we view ourselves and interact with the world.

Our self-confidence and self-esteem rise when we feel good about ourselves, believe we can overcome challenges, and feel deserving of respect and acknowledgment. These factors improve our quality of life.

Practical tips to improve our self-confidence and self-esteem

Practise positive talk: Be mindful of how you talk to yourself. Brain circuits governing self-perception are built by internal dialogue, which is incredibly effective. Be deliberate with your words and mindful of the way you talk to yourself. Assume you are conversing with a friend.

Acknowledge your achievements and strengths: List five areas of your life (hobbies, abilities, skills, etc.) where you have succeeded. Give yourself time to be grateful for all you do well.

Set some realistic, achievable goals. As you successfully complete tasks, your confidence will grow. Start small and work your way up from there. For example, take a shower, respond to three emails, go for a little stroll, etc.

Feel it in your body: Psychologist Amy Cuddy and others have studied the positive effect of confident body postures on our minds and hormones. Plant your feet firmly, erect your shoulders, and maintain a proud posture.

Seek counselling and support: Building our self-confidence and self-esteem can be tricky. Never hesitate to ask for help if you think you might use it in this area!

Keep track of successes by regularly answering these questions: what is something you did well recently? How did you arrive there? In what way does this relate to you?

Celebrate successes: you’ve received a new promotion? Discover a method to rejoice! (For instance, having dinner with friends, celebrating with coworkers at the end of the workday, or treating yourself to a spa day..).

1500 Trauma Therapy Questions Bundle

Limited Time: The deal expires in 60 hours!

Today's Deal: Get 80% OFF - Therapy Questions Bundle

About: This set of 1500 guided therapy questions and thought exercises is designed to light the way through the healing process, touching on key areas without directly listing them.

This resource uncovers the layers of trauma, providing clarity and support as you or your clients recognize signs and work towards stability. It’s a tool for understanding deep emotions, building trust, and fostering healthier relationships. Through its questions, individuals find space to reflect on coping strategies that resonate with personal experiences, making sense of their stories and the emotions tied to them.

This kit encourages a closer look at how trauma affects the body and mind, guiding users towards a better understanding of their physical responses and the profound impact on identity and self-perception. The journey with this packet strengthens connections, setting clear boundaries, and navigating through feelings of grief and loss with grace.



Classical Music Lifts Our Mood by ‘Synchronizing’ Parts of the Brain, Says Study of Patients with Depression

Whether Bach, Beethoven, or Mozart, it’s widely recognized that classical music can affect a person’s mood.

Now, scientists are using brainwave measurements and neural imaging techniques to show exactly how Western classical music elicits its positive effects on the brain.

The discovery could lead to effective ways to use music as treatment to activate the brain in people with treatment-resistant depression.

“Ultimately, we hope to translate our research findings into clinical practice, developing convenient and effective music therapy tools and applications,” said Professor Bomin Sun, of Shanghai Jiao Tong University.


Deep breathing is an easy way to relax and let your worries go. You can do it pretty much anywhere, and it only takes a few minutes.

Also called belly breathing, diaphragmatic breathing, and abdominal breathing, it helps ease stress. It can also lower your blood pressure and relax tense muscles.

Downward-Facing Pigeon Pose (Adho mukha kapotasana)

What is Downward-Facing Pigeon Pose?

Downward-facing pigeon pose, or adho mukha kapotasana in Sanskrit, is a restful version of the upright pigeon pose. The torso folds over the front leg with the arms stretched forward in this deep hip opener.


  • Begin in pigeon pose with the right leg extended back.

  • Exhale and lower the torso down, walking the hands forward.

  • Rest the forehead on the floor and press the palms together in prayer.

  • Breathe while holding the pose.

  • Inhale and release. Change sides.